Sunday, April 29, 2012


 So I am definitely feeling a little bit lonely out here in Big Sky Country. It is all so new and so different. It may be a good thing if it gets me back blogging though. I find certain aspects of it therapeutic so I am going to give it a try for a bit anyway.
My new singles ward made me feel a little bit less lonely because there is someone in it that could Jared Honda's long lost little brother. His name is Robbie. He is a blessing from God. They also have Ping Pong which is one of the loves of my life.
I also love the people here. My first day here I saw this shirt in the airport.
 As my friends will attest I do not have the greatest eyesight and can tend to have a hard time focusing (I use the excuse that it is time to get new glasses, which I have still conveniently/inconveniently still neglected to get) so they would not be surprised to hear that I did not see the scripture citation underneath it and in a quick pass thought that the cross was the "Red Cross" symbol. That is until he turned around and the back read, "His name was Jesus."
It gave me a lot to think about that day.
I may not wear a shirt that professes his name, but do others see that my understanding that changes how I act?
The words also bothered me a little bit. Okay, word.
His name IS Jesus.
He may have sufferED for my sins, but the fact is that He still lives and because he lives I have someone that understands me and my trials intimately.
I love the faith that the people here are ready to show and hope that I can learn a lot from them as I am here for a short stay. I wish you all a very happy week! From Texas with Love.