Okay I really do know how to spell and it is desert. I got thinking about that after one of my institute classes and how too much sun makes a desert. But then I realized that we think about sun and rain completely different from how they are. The sun is scorching, drying, killing the rain is soothing, nourishing, life giving.
Too much water makes a swamp
Too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing.
The truth is that we need opposition in our lives and I thought how does this affect me being the happiest person I can be? Best conclusion of the day; experiencing opposition doesn't mean suffering. It means pain. Pain can be put into perspective. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
Happiness is not ignoring pain. It is simply putting it in perspective. Does it hurt? Yes. Does it ever go away? Yes. Is that harder to believe some days more than others? Yes. You have to realize that we are immortal beings having a mortal experience and that it is allowing us to experience pain in new ways. When pain is unbridled it turns to suffering. Bridle all of your passions.
One of the greatest gifts that we are given in this life is pain. For after we bridle it and can put it in perspective then we can mourn with those that mourn and relieve the suffering of the oppressed. It is the only way to do in a small way for others what the Savior did for us. If we just try to kill pain instead of bridle it and control it then it will never serve us and it will destroy us just as with every other passion.
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