Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So you may or may not know but Easter is this week!
I love Easter and the Passover time of year. 
There are lots of interesting things about the Passover and lots that have been lost. One that my Institute teacher showed us was particularly interesting.
"The afikoman (dessert) — an integral part of the Seder (Passover) itself — is used to engage the interest and excitement of the children at the table. During the fourth part of the Seder, called Yachatz, the leader (Patriarch) breaks the middle piece of matzo (there are three) into two. He sets aside the larger portion as the afikoman. Many families use the afikomanas a device for keeping the children awake and alert throughout the Seder proceedings by hiding the afikoman and offering a prize for its return."-Wikipedia (they did a pretty good job)
At the end of the Seder the child with the afikoman will present it to the Patriarch and bargain a purchase price for its return to the Patriarch . 
The Jewish culture is so beautiful with the symbolism that keeps us pointed to Christ. Easter is our celebration of the Atonement, culminating in the Resurrection which was our purchase price. 
With it we are redeemed before God, the Grand Patriarch, and made spotless through the blood of the Lamb. I hope that you have a wonderful Passover, and may the Easter Bunny bring you good things as well.

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