Thursday, December 30, 2010

Does it ever get any easier?

This is an interesting question and upon being asked it I was given a very interesting answer, no.
If it ever got easier why would we continue? If life was to be hard and then all of the sudden get easy we would give up. There would be no guarantee that after that looming crest in the distance there would be a valley laden with fruit. That it how Satan wins so many souls. Souls that are on the uphill climb and off to the side we see the valley laden with water, and fruit, milk and honey; take your pick, but whatever it is we stop for a rest and see not only the distance that was left to climb, but now the additional distance enhanced by the valley.
Does it ever get any easier? Thankfully, no.
So what are we to do. The second error that we make is assuming that we are alone up this steep and tall mountain. I recommend getting some good company. I was told once, "maybe they're just jealous of your friends." My first response was, "Who wouldn't be." My friends, over time, become family. They are people that with whom I hope to sit at the feet of the Master one day. They are leaders and teachers, not only to me, but to everyone around them. I am reminded that Lehi saw a great multitude pressing their way towards the tree. Some were lost, some made it and left, but there was a great brotherhood/sisterhood among those that stayed. If life feels too hard, that is because we are trying to do it alone. The Savior walked the path alone so that we could choose to not to. He is the one that sends people into our lives to fulfill specific needs, and then He is there to fill every need. If we are walking alone then we deserve to feel like life is hard, because you're making it hard. Take your foot off of the brakes.
Does it ever get any easier? Gratefully, no.
One last idea with this idea. Our very nature is to only appreciate that which we feel is ours. We don't appreciate a new car given as much as a beat up one that we buy. We don't appreciate a clean room unless we clean it. We don't appreciate a meal as much unless you help make it. Along with that idea, we don't and can't appreciate the Atonement if we don't suffer with Him a little bit. Elder Holland said, "We are going to have to take at least a few steps towards the summit of Calvary." It is in our nature that we must suffer. How much more Christ can appreciate our life's experiences because He suffered. That is why he will run to us, because he has been where we are. We cannot be like the ungrateful and truly blind people who as Elder Maxwell says say, "Father make me as thou art. Give me everything that is thine, but do not make me suffer as you have suffered. Take away all of the experiences that have made you who you are and give me everything that is thine." 
What a prayer! 
Does it ever get any easier? I pray that it doesn't.

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